News | The Caterpillar

This Argentine, self-managed series, directed by the screenwriter and director Lucía Paz (director of “A family recipe”, “Vejeces” and “Palito chocolate ice cream”) and produced by Emiliano Romero (director of “Topos” and “Sarah” and founder of the Academia Argentina de Actuación para Cine) is a psychological thriller constructed from true stories in which important figures in the theatrical field (in teaching or directing) adopt abusive treatment towards their students or casts. The one here is made up of Ascanio Maya, Ayelén Porcel, Blanca Giménez, Camila Niñe, Emilio De Feo, Fernando Casarin, Horacio Annecca, Jazmín Jordán, Micaela Luna, Peter Carrara and Victoria Rabanal. It can be seen in CINEAR. and santeria.

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