News | the bad guys

★★★★ Already from the design, which combines volumetric animation alla Pixar with the 2D design of the classic cartoon, this is a different movie. It is a fable with animals, that tradition of allegory, where a group of “villains” first pretend to “become good” to avoid going to jail and then discover that goodness is good business. The contemporary twist is that these bad guys are con men, sophisticated thieves, tech-gadget types. And the film takes advantage of that characteristic to create moments of action, suspense and humor that are always balanced. By the way, there are other elements that slide part of the plot towards political correctness, but what abounds most is the accurate gag and, above all, the visual charm away from the ordinary or the useless filigree. Enjoyable from the first scene and a bit on the side of what we usually see in the genre.

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