News | Successful explosive duo

(*** and 1/2) Three and a half stars

It is said that, in theater, there is no effective recipe for success. However, despite this unwritten rule,
It is possible that resorting to proven formulas, with convening actors, can produce a sure victory at the ticket office.

It is the case of “immature”, the most watched show on the current billboard in Buenos Aires, written by Juan Vera and Daniel Cúparo. Here a couple of friends, they start to share roof, obligatorily, when one of them is
separated from his wife
and needs support to face the transit of a new life in solitude.

This structure, that of a forced coexistence between completely different people, generated transcendent pages as in “odd couple”, the legendary piece of the great Neil Simon, premiered in 1965.

In this work, Alfonso (Adrian Suar) and Rudolf (Diego Peretti), they have known each other all their lives. Alfi is a publicist, he is separated and has a son whom he hardly ever sees. assiduous reader of Osho and Paulo Coelho, lives in a home automation, where his only company is Alexa (Andrea Poletti, off), the sensual voice of the intelligent system that allows you to control all the technology in the house; from the light, to the sprinklers that perfume the owner.

Noodle, the other, is psychiatrist, of conservative customs and perpetual love. He has been married to Rosita, his first girlfriend, for more than twenty-five years, although the routine ended up wearing the couple down and breaking up the relationship seems the only possible path. The plan, reluctantly accepted by Fideo, is to introduce him to women, to help him overcome the melancholy that affects him.

The heterogeneous female parade of girls of different ages and idiosyncrasies (the excellent Patricia Etchegoyen, purebred comedian), will make you reflect on your inability to relate emotionally.

Suar, like good wines, reaches its best moment at maturity because it manages the rhythm and makes good use of replicas and catchphrases. Peretti, brings grace and craft. Together they are an explosive duo, guided with agility by Mauricio Dayub, from the direction.

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