News | seven kings must die

★★★ If you want to know how The Last Kingdom series ends (another greyish and British “barbarian”, one of those medieval shows that gave rise to the conjunction of history plus Game of Thrones), here comes a full length film that explains how -if- the kingdom of England is unified with the Danes circling and Christianity emerging as a force majeure. Of course it is spectacular and that the battles add salt and pepper to this whole set of mud and blood, and of course there are both political and family intrigues (which, in the case and as with Vikings, is the same). The thing is entertaining and epic as it should be, and there is no moment that does not bring the action to a paroxysm. Perhaps that -which seeks to be a success- is its greatest defect: a sometimes artificial tension that prevents entering the interior of the characters. It is true, we are supposed to “already know” because we watched the series. But it is still disappointing.

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