News | pure chocolate

Adriana Garrido, how were your beginnings in this field?

I am the third generation of master chocolatiers. Being a History teacher, one day my love for chocolate awoke, I left my profession and my father Héctor Garrido taught me the art of making chocolate.

I started in the barbecue area of ​​my partner’s house, back in 2000.

We were very slowly growing and improving quality. Networks did not exist, so it was not easy to enter the market as a mini-SME.

What started almost as a game became my way of life.

I still remember the first chocolates that stayed stuck in the mold. The tempering process is essential to bring out a good shine and crack of the chocolate.

What are the products that they offer to the public and how do they market them?

We make chocolates, truffles, chocolate bars, alfajores, branch chocolate, coated fruits, gourmet products, frozen chocolate and we go for more.

Our sales channel is confectioneries, candy stores, wine bars, dietetics, gourmet stores, hotels.

We sell in all points of the country. People from all provinces can access our products since we sell directly.

What are you most passionate about in your profession?

What fascinates me most about this activity is that it is very creative. Being a small company, decision-making is more agile, which makes the process of bringing out new products faster and that allows it to continue imagining new combinations of fillings, from the traditional to the most sophisticated.

The negative part of this is that for the same reason of being small, the margin of error must be minimal.

What goals do you have for the coming years?

The challenge, in these times of economic fluctuations, is to continue growing at our own pace, increasing our production capacity by 20%, maintaining our quality, service and direct contact with our customers.

Chocolate, drink of the gods, blessed treasure!

Contact information:

Mail: [email protected]

WhatsApp: +54 9 11 57514724

Instagram: @purchocolateonline

Facebook: @purchocolateonline


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