News | Princess by accident

★★★1/2 Quite an interesting reversal of traditional fairy tales, where orphans are always in danger: here it is an adventurous orphan who has made her medieval city her world, who becomes a hero. There are cute animals, parody of epic movies, moments of emotion that are a bit of a regulation and, above all, there is something that fails many times in this (and all) kind of movies: timing. It is true: although the film is French, it does not differ in the least from any other industrial animation except for one detail, the color palette is broader and closer to children’s illustration than in most American productions. But the detail is insignificant: it closes well with the kind of world that the film has decided to adopt. It’s not great or extraordinary, but what it’s supposed to do – amuse and entertain with noble weapons – it does so without overemphasizing the sobering.

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