News | passenger 666

***1/2 (Three and a half stars)

It is interesting that, for some years now, we have been seeing horror movies from various countries; above all Russian.

They are not perfect, but two things are noticeable: first, having understood that horror works universally (it is one of the few genres that always make money, that it has a very loyal audience). Second, what is there technical expertise.

Here is a woman with a little girl on a trip, a plane in the middle of a storm, a series of unexplained deaths, and something terrible that questions reality as the protagonist sees it.

everything is narrated with the precise and fair (look at the duration: less than 80 minutes), seeking to provoke in the viewer that instability leading to fear, the fear that leads to the wonderful.

Of course, it is not without clichés, but it is not bad to terrorize the idea of ​​instability or lack of confidence that our perceptions arouse. A genre that, except when done without respect, does not usually disappoint the viewer.

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