News | Oviedo Real Estate

Gerardo, what is your vision regarding the real estate sector?

Our vision is to be a leading real estate company in the Cuyo area. Our objective is continuous growth and we seek to distinguish ourselves by offering personalized services based on trust, work, seriousness and experience.

What services do you offer your clients?

We provide services for the purchase and sale of real estate; Real estate rental and administration; appraisals; Preparation of Contracts; Investment projects; Real Estate, Legal and Fiscal Advice.

We have 39 years of experience in the Mendoza Real Estate Market. Our team provides capacity and knowledge in technical, legal, notarial, accounting and tax matters.

The work goes beyond providing a good service. Both for the person looking for her home, and for the person who wants to sell their property, it is a very important step. Nerves, indecisions, expectations to be met, etc. are experienced. There are many emotions to channel. As a professional in the field, you have to know how to analyze the needs of each person, to be able to accompany the process, advise considering what is best for that person or family, clear up doubts and provide the confidence and transparency that is needed.

At the same time, we offer comprehensive advice for large investors, having a macro vision, looking for possibilities of broader and long-term real estate developments.

We are passionate about finding the perfect property for each of our clients.

His career in real estate:

Oviedo has obtained the CRS (Certified Residential Specialist) international membership, which is a seal as a Residential Specialist and is also a member of the “Residential Real Estate Council” (RRC).

As background, he served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Mendoza Real Estate Chamber for more than eleven years, being its President during the period 2000-2002. He was also the First President of the Ethics and Discipline Tribunal of the Mendoza Association of Real Estate Brokers.

He is currently an official appraiser for the following entities:

– French Bank

-HSBC Bank

– San Juan Bank

– Fund for the Transformation and Growth of the Province of Mendoza

Contact information:

Telephone: 261-5137008

4252315 / 4295767


Mail: [email protected]

Instagram: oviedo real estate


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