News | murderer without memory

★★★1/2 Remake of a Belgian film in which a hit man goes from victimizer to prey, it could be called “Last days of the victim of a mind without memories”, since the character suffers from Alzheimer’s and things are quite complicated. Neeson more and more fun (although here his character is deadly serious) with a gun in his hands. In any case, the weaknesses of this film narrated without pretensions and purely narrative is that the director Martin Campbell is one of those dilettantes who are never entirely good or entirely bad (although he has good films like Claws and horrible ones as better not to remember) , and that goes a bit far with the exposition of the subject. Other than that, it’s an effective thriller that reminds us why it’s worth going to the movies. Almost (almost) one of those double bills that we used to enjoy as kids (my generation, friends, obviously).

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