News | Mr. José Zulatto

Lic, what characteristics does the Bioenergetic Therapeutic System have?

Throughout my career as a psychologist I found myself with a ceiling that did not allow me to advance in the treatments of my patients. That was how I decided to go out and explore different therapeutic techniques, until I met Eric Barone, who had developed the “Akashic Therapy”. I began to deepen their work and apply their techniques to my patients, obtaining surprising results, such as harmony, decreased state of anxiety, gaining more self-awareness and remarkable improvement in their bonds, among other changes.

Subsequently, I created and developed the Bioenergetic Therapeutic System (BTS) and began to provide a treatment focused on comprehensive health and psycho-emotional and social balance. Through this technique, my patients stopped resilienting their ailments or conflicts, because this system erases the somatic sensations of what they experienced as learning, while creating an inner peace that allows them to get out of the state of neurosis. It is a completely innovative technique that changed the therapeutic approach in my office, because from harmony we can guide the patient from his consciousness towards the encounter with his Being.

What are the therapeutic approaches that you offer to your patients?

The therapeutic work that I currently provide transcends the limits of psychology. The therapeutic approach focuses on eliminating the somatic patterns of the body that were formed as a result of traumatic experiences or experiences experienced outside of current existence. These are predetermining in the formation of the psychic structure of the subject, as well as in the formation of emotional intelligence and in the cognitive potentials of a person.

Together with my team, we developed a diagnostic method to detect bioenergetic pathological patterns that create behavioral blocks and limit a person’s abilities. In addition, we create a systematic therapeutic method to correct these alterations and eliminate the learned pattern. At the same time, we invent techniques to enhance the energy structure of the human being, previously dormant due to the alterations suffered, which expand cognitive capacities.

My dream, and also my commitment, is that this completely innovative therapeutic technique, whose objective is the integral health of the human being, travels the world and expands. I am aware that the effectiveness of this treatment is a paradigmatic break and a new approach to Being.

Contact information:

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WhatsApp Business: +54 11 3415-5409

E-mail: [email protected]


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