News | Maria Victoria Rueda

On this occasion I am going to tell you about the groups of women that I coordinate and guide. They are also called “Women’s or Mixed Circles”, and there are many of them in the world.

For 9 years I dedicate myself to putting them together and currently I teach women to create them by themselves. To have their own group.

What are they?

They are spaces for meeting, in which we can express ourselves freely, without judgement, we are listened to, contained, respected and valued. Safe spaces, in which we share what happens to us and grow together.

Each meeting is a healing space, because we release prejudices, fears, blocks and we accept ourselves as we are; because we see ourselves reflected in each other and discover that we are not alone and that we have everything we need to get ahead.

The objective:

Reconnect with our power and our strength, reconnect with our creative feminine essence. To see each other again and to feel ourselves beings with multiple capacities; recognize and discover talents and virtues; encourage us to take new paths and see new alternatives to materialize projects and dreams; recover the enthusiasm, the desire to live and be happy.

How is it achieved?

Through guided visualizations and meditations we managed to connect with the inner world, generating peace, reducing anguish, anxiety and sadness.

Applying group management techniques to enhance our resources and through questions, which serve as triggers, we inquire into our internal world and acquire self-knowledge tools.

Meetings and formation of groups:

The meetings are held once a month or every fortnight, with a maximum recommended number of twelve women, which last approximately one and a half hours.

Contact information:

Instagram: @terapiasvictoriarueda

Gmail: [email protected]

YouTube: Victoria Rueda

Facebook: holistic therapies victoria rueda

Telegram: Vicky wheels

Telephone: +54 9 11 4979-0465


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