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★★★★★ It’s not nostalgia or adoration of the past that leads us to say that this revival of a movie that is 56 years old is the best of the week and, also, the newest and youngest. From when Godard still had fun saying what he thought and humor served to distance himself from that generation he called – the film says – “the children of Marx and Coca-Cola”. Léaud is a young man who left military service and doesn’t know what to do with his life, and he conspired to do surveys; he meets Goya, a young girl who wants to be a pop singer, and they start something like a relationship. But satirical humor sustains everything, and there are more characters and absurd situations, all linked to painting that generation that -believe it or not- looks a lot like today’s false politicized. In fact, in the midst of cancellation culture and twenty-thirtysomethings defending the most anachronistic militancy, Masculine-feminine is a kind of balm.

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