If you are starting a business or it is already underway, it is important that you know that there are key issues to address to protect your business and thus avoid future legal conflicts.
Here is a guide with some fundamental aspects to keep in mind:

Register your brand name It is the first step you must take.
The brand is one of the most important assets of your business, it is the name or logo by which your customers identify your products and services, distinguishing you from the competition.
Only by registering at the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) you become the owner of your brand.
If you do not register it, you run the risk that a third party may use it without your consent or that they may register it in advance and then
ask you to cease use of the trademark.

  • Protection of your creations

Taking care of your intellectual property is protecting what you created with so much effort and that differentiates your business from others.
Just as it is essential to register your brand, it is also necessary that protect the products you created, their designs, new forms or functions before launching them on the market, so that you can take legal action if someone copies or uses them without your authorization.

In order to legally undertake It is mandatory that you register as a monotributista or autonomous before the National Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP).
You must also register in the Gross Income Tax of the corresponding jurisdiction and verify if your activity has any special authorization or permit.

If your venture begins to grow, you have invested a lot of money or you are assuming increasing risks, it will be necessary to evaluate if your business needs a corporate structure and choose the type of company that best suits it.
The companies serve mainly to separate the assets of the company from its members and thus protect your personal assets before a possible conflict of the company with a third party.

If you hired employees, you must register them with the AFIP at the beginning of the employment relationship. Informal employment or “black employment” is a risk that brings with it very expensive lawsuits, which can cause the end of your business.
Likewise, you must hire an Occupational Risk Insurer (ART), register your employees with the Union that brings together the activity and register them in a social work.

  • Preparation of Contracts

It is essential that the business relationships you have with your partners, suppliers and customers are provided for in a
legal document that makes the rules of the game clear to both parties. These documents also called “contracts” may provide for issues such as obligations of each party, responsibilities, delivery terms, means of payment, changes, returns, and everything necessary to reduce future conflicts.

Important: If you sell online, it is mandatory that your website has Contract Terms and Conditions and Personal Data Privacy Policies.



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