News | Jurassic World 3: Dominion

★★★1/2 Small personal anecdote. When we left to see Jurassic World in 2015, we talked with my colleague and friend Ezequiel Boetti about how difficult it is to write about these films. Technically flawless, with remarkable script refinement, gigantic windows into another larger-than-life world thanks to perfect craftsmanship. As another colleague (Quintín) would say, “engineer films”. Well, Domain takes that trend to the extreme. It appeals to nostalgia by bringing together the protagonists of Spielberg’s films (and Joe Johnston, not forgetting the beautiful Jurassic Park 3) with those of the new series, it spreads dinosaurs all over the planet, it incorporates a political-commercial-global plot that is the new panacea for cinematographic villainy, generates great “action pieces” that take our breath away and keep us entertained for the two hours and twenty-six minutes of the footage. At the exit, our question is if we want pizza or hamburgers and, if we decide the first, if we are going to want fainá or not. Is this a bad thing, that cinema has become an instant art, a “ride” whose impact consists in re-entering the room instead of the memory it forges? No, not necessarily. It is one of its mutations, embodied in a film whose protagonists are mutants and whose story is a huge mutation of original content. That said, for me fugazzetta.

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