News | Inventing Anna

★★1/2 The story is that of a girl who, using social networks, became very famous and a huge swindler, pretending to be a millionaire, and that of the journalist who investigates and interviews her when she ends up in jail. It really happened, although the series takes (nobody reproaches this) several liberties. The big problem with this Netflix production is to dress with luxury and “production values” a moralistic story devoid of any ambiguity. Well in tune with the times of political correctness to regulation that run, the rich are frivolous and petty, luxury is vulgarity (no, friends, luxury is NOT vulgarity: resurrect the Medici and ask), and journalists find the truth in a tiny detail because deep down they are morally superior (which makes them intelligent). In short, it is what it is. Yeah, it’s partly entertaining, too. But not all: with three good episodes it was enough.

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