News | Indispensable theater cycle

The prestigious cycle “Theater for Identity” presents the works “Implosión de identidades”, with the participation of the great Mexican actress Adriana Barraza, Emiliano Figueredo, Ariel Pérez de María, Federica Presa and direction of Mariela Asensio, on Sunday 27/ 11, at 8:00 p.m., in the Espacio Cultural Resurgimiento, Gral. Artigas 2262.

Also “A proposo de la duda”, the work by Patricia Zangaro that gave rise to the movement, with a performance by a cast headed by José María López, Elena Petraglia, Pablo Mariuzzi and directed by Daniel Fanego, on Monday 11/28, at 8 pm, at the Metropolitan Sura Theater, Av. Corrientes 1343.

In both cases, admission is free and will be delivered in the theaters, from one hour before the performance, until the available capacity is exhausted.

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