News | healthy options

Cooking goes beyond the ingredients, the recipes or the finished dishes: it is an art that even on sight presents a world of experiences and possibilities. Something that television has known since its inception and that is why, at present, it offers a diverse list of innumerable series, programs and documentaries related to food. Such is the impact that this programming is not limited only to the small screen or cable, and is also present on the most popular streaming platforms.

The El Gourmet channel has a shipment entitled “The favorites of” in which different chefs can be seen transiting places that are among their favorites when it comes to eating, drinking or shopping. From Osvaldo Gross in his and Rosario’s native Santa Fe, the Petersen brothers in the city of Mendoza, to the pastry chef Mauricio Asta in some corners of New York, to mention a few.

Now it’s Mauro Massimino’s turn, who last week premiered “Mauro Massimino’s healthy favorites”, a tour of his favorite places, restaurants, bars, cafes and stores. It is that with the passing of the years and gastronomic progress, healthy cooking has become as interesting and tempting as it is fun.

If there is someone suitable for taking a tour of this variant, that is him, with his serene, slow and didactic style. Recognized for the vegetarian, vegan and raw dishes that he teaches in “More Healthy More Rich” and that he prepares in his restaurant “Buenos Aires Verde”, here he not only made a selection of spaces but also of nutritious dishes.

Without a doubt, the series shows a delicious and varied culinary proposal that we can find in the streets of Buenos Aires and in La Plata. The journey of the first episode began in “Bio”, one of the first River Plate establishments to use organic products, and “Casa Nueza”, a bar with 100% plant-based specialties. Also, in Chinatown, he let us know the secrets of Orei’s ramen and gin and tonics at Chinoteria. Finally, in La Plata, he toured “La Anunciación”; a vegetable garden producing certified organic vegetables, flowers and vegetables.

The editing, sound, lighting and production of the premiere program were up to the rigor, professionalism and quality to which the signal has accustomed us.

In the following chapters, the expert will show a specialty coffee bar, a classic ice cream parlor where we will learn how a vegan taste is made, his own vegetarian dining room, a tea laboratory, and even a fast food restaurant that celebrates the avocado in each preparation.

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