News | Halloween: the final night

★★1/2 And yes, a (long) time for us to see the background fight Michael Myers-Laurie Strode, in the last and final -and bloody- fight after 45 years of going around. The pros: moments well shot, well done, allowing for some entertainment. The cons: again soup with a story placed to inflate a plot that is only justified by a sequence. Director David Gordon Green is a quality director, or was until he decided -with Danny McBride, comedian- to give his definitive vision of the myth created by John Carpenter (never ever equaled). But as often happens with the film remakes of the great director of El enigma de otro mundo (and we have seen another The Thing, another La Niebla, etc.) they don’t understand it and it all boils down to “look how the little town is afraid of the arrival of an Evil that punishes them for their sins without any remorse”, when in reality Michael Myers is something else not only as a philosophical exercise (the idea that battles are won against evil but only in the end the war) but stylistic ( Halloween, the original, even with its crimes, is a little bloody movie, closer to Psycho than gore). Gordon Green falls back into “fan service” (doing what a fan expects) without actually building a movie, or a world.

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