News | Guido Franco Ferrari

He was born in Bariloche but grew up in Villa La Angostura, where he lives and has his atelier.

Ferrari started professionally when he was 21 years old. His oil paintings were exhibited in the United States, Iceland, Austria, Slovakia, Denmark, France, Bulgaria, among others, as well as in our country.

“Time feels really short for those of us who are creators and we are always thinking of new ideas, even so I think that the beauty of projects lies in the journey. Finishing it is just the gift”, says Guido Franco.

In 2019 he was invited to exhibit in Iceland, and there he undertook a journey that ended up lasting almost a year, painting and exhibiting by bicycle, traveling through fourteen European countries on his way, where he held seven exhibitions.

“On one of my trips, in Berlin, a person stopped me on the way and without knowing me, pointing his finger at the lectern, told me ‘That’s your passport’, this statement marked me as someone I don’t know and without even introduce himself is going to say such a thing? but he was right, for me painting was and is the door to the world, and the passport to meet me”, she says.

The Impressionist school translates into the freshness of the brushstrokes of Guido’s painting, the “Au Plein Air” or “Outdoors” method gives him results with more vivid colors and real-life scenes. Rural life, Patagonian daily life, wild landscapes and native fauna are the most common themes.

“Life in Patagonia is rustic and friendly, the vastness of the landscapes, the infinite plains, mountains and forests, make me constantly contemplate the fundamental facts, here we do not live from art, we live from nature”, he emphasizes.

Another of his projects is a documentary series on outdoor painting in Patagonia.

LinkTrailer: v=A9mqByUer0E&

His paintings can be found exhibited in the gallery of the Hotel Llao Llao, or in his Gallery in Villa La Angostura.

Currently, he is making a Show with around fifteen paintings in San Telmo, called “Patagonian Whispers”. Every Saturday in September, October and November, from 3pm to 7pm. In the Hall of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral. Brazil 315.

Contact information:

Instagram and Facebook: Guido Franco Ferrari.



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