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*** After Between knives and secrets, Netflix paid (a lot) of money to generate two sequels to that police comedy that somehow parodies the works of Christie Agatha. This is the first of those two continuations.

Pros: Daniel Craig laughing to himself, the twists and turns of a two-hour riddle, Rian Johnson’s ability to dispose of the bricks and make new sense of them by explaining the mystery.

Cons: It’s all scripted and the resolution of the mystery is a kind of (too) spoken play whose purpose is to demonstrate human stupidity, or even the stupidity of convoluted police plots.

Here, my friends, is the problem: is this a satire like the great crime by deaththat creation of Neil Simon that seems to have been seen several times by Rian Johnson, or a reflection on how a story is told, on how what we believe to be “real” is a construction of our mind?

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