News | Fratelli Faccin Stills

its beginnings

In 2010, in the city of Miramar, the brothers Franco and Federico Faccin, together with their father, José Luis Faccin, began to manufacture their first alembic, a replica of the original with which their grandfather, Lisardo García Zapico, a Galician immigrant, musician and distiller, he made his own grappa. The tradition of drunken distillers and musicians was already entrenched in the family, and so it was that in 2012, the Faccin brothers were already distilling their own spirits. His favorites when lighting the old still -heated with wood- were grappa and brandies.

The distillation of spirits is a mixture of art and science, which began before the Middle Ages at the hands of the Arabs and Moors in the Moroccan area, and later the European Catholic monks took it as their own, for the preparation of the first beverages for medicinal purposes. This is how Whiskey, Vodka, Brandies, Gin, Gin, and other distillates or ‘White Drinks’ appeared. All distillates are manufactured in a device called Alembic.

Its national and foreign expansion

After several years of hobbyist distillation, and supplying the alcoholic need of relatives and friends, in 2017 the Faccin brothers set up their first venture, La Ballenera Distillery, where Rocas Negras rum was distilled. For this, they had to manufacture two larger stills and all the additional equipment – macerators, fermenters, piping systems, bottling machines, among others. The Faccin are a family of Engineers and Technicians with extensive knowledge in different disciplines. The distillery began to attract attention in the environment, and with the nascent craft spirits industry about to take off, they began to have inquiries about the stills. This is why they traveled, first to Italy, Scotland, Slovenia and Ireland; then to Kentucky and Tennessee in the United States, taking training and getting to know distilleries, equipment factories and ´craft´ or ´home distilleries´. Then everything happened very quickly: with the help of José Luis, the patience of his mother Yanet, and the collaboration of several friends, they made the first alembic for sale; Currently four years have passed under the name of Fratelli Faccin Alambiques, they are the leading brand in the manufacture of stills and distillation systems in Argentina, with more than 500 units sold in the country and the region.

Fratelli stills are the first and the best in the national market, constantly innovating and developing new products. They are mainly made of copper, a fundamental material to obtain a good distillate. The copper ore comes mainly from Chile, and is usually refined in Brazil, and then rolled there or in Argentina.

Fratelli stills are for everyone: for the hobbyist who ventures into the world of distillates, for the entrepreneur who starts a business, and for large-scale industrialists, as well as those who require large equipment such as continuous stills and vacuum extractors. . In addition to this, Fratelli Faccin provides a lot of additional equipment for distilleries such as bottling, piping, fermenters, macerators and boilers.

After the pandemic, the Argentine distillate market, led by Gin, took a huge leap in quality and quantity, and that is why we find more brands on shelves every day, substituting imports and introducing new varieties. Likewise, the Fratelli Faccin stills are growing in size, adding new technologies such as automation systems, lateral columns, plates with caps, automatic and manual returns, boilers and pots, extraction systems for essential oils and cannabis oils. In the same way, the Faccin brothers teach on the subject, make up the main national and regional chambers of distillers, collaborate to establish new norms and regulations to support the sector, and together with their friend Ariel Nigro, owner of La Chapita MDP, created CODEAR, the first Argentine and Latin American Congress of Distillers. The first edition was held in 2021 in the city of Miramar, and the second was in October of this year, in Mar del Plata, bringing together more than 300 people from the entire sector, and continuing with the unconditional contribution to the sector. .

On the other hand, after the emergence of the legalization laws for self-cultivation of cannabis and in recent times, of the laws for the industrialization of medicinal hemp, Fratelli Faccin launched a new line of equipment – on which it had already been working and making tests and trials several years ago – to obtain cannabis extracts for medicinal, recreational, pharmaceutical and nutritional use. In this area, the Faccin brothers have also been pioneers and continue to work hard as the main references in the country and the region.

Contact information:


Instagram and Facebook: @fratellifaccinalambiques

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