News | “Expanded Consciousness School”

Lic. Victoria Rueda created a School where she teaches and trains Regression Therapists, in which she teaches them to remember their past lives in order to heal their traumas, fears, ailments, she explains that they can heal any type of symptom, and that This training also helps them transform their lives, since it not only trains future therapists, but it is a year of pure personal healing.

She says that there are students from all countries and they are grateful for having participated because their lives have changed and they have released pain and fear that they could not achieve with any other therapy. There are patients who have cured very strong back pain, cervical pain, panic attacks, asthma, bronchospasm.

Victoria says that after contracting Covid, she had a bronchospasm and after having 2 regressions, she never had to take medication again.

The most recurring questions that have been asked are: can I stay in another life and not return? The answer is no, we only expand our vision and experience a past scene, we are simultaneously in that scene and in the office. We are not going anywhere.

Another question is if we can all see other lives, and the answer is that 90% of patients agree to visualize that scene that the soul needs to show them.

Going back to the training he does, he tells us that it is not a requirement to be a health professional to learn the technique and then have your own patients.

The idea is to generate a harmonious group where everyone can share their fears, experiences and heal together.

A big hug and I wait for you in my networks.

Contact information:

Follow María Victoria Rueda on social networks: @terapiasvictoriarueda

Instagram: @terapiasvictoriarueda

Gmail: [email protected]

Youtube: Victory Wheel

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