News | Enrich Educational Coaching

Alexandra, How did Enriquecer Educational Coaching emerge as a venture?

It was born more than eight years ago, where I was able to combine and integrate my passions: Ontological Coaching, Neurosciences, learning and transformation.

I share my personal experience: When I approached Coaching almost by chance, thinking that it was going to be another training and with the expectations of obtaining additional tools for my profession, it finally ended up transforming my life, my future and my profession forever. It went through me and stayed as a way of being in the world.

At that time I considered that they were great lessons that I would have needed in my adolescence, in my youth, as a mother and a professional, how could I not have learned it before! I consider it necessary to share this type of learning,

This is how I reinvented myself personally and professionally, to dedicate myself entirely to this, sharing powerful tools to improve communication and relationships, developing leadership and new skills, achieving the changes sought at work and with teams.

Why is it called that?

Enrich Educational Coaching invites and accompanies you to enrich your life, your relationships, your experiences and your profession.

Beyond the formal instances of education, in each experience we live we can learn to adapt, to achieve what we want. We are always learning. And from Ontological Coaching we can be better apprentices, defying internal obstacles, reinforcing resources and achieving deep learning to achieve the best version of each one of us, deploying all the resources we have and getting where we aspire to reach.

What is your academic background?

I have a degree in Business Administration (UBA), Ontological Coach with Postgraduate in Neurosciences and another in Team Coaching, Master in NLP

What services do you provide as a professional?

I am passionate about generating learning experiences, motivating, stimulating curiosity and a passion for change and transformation.

Currently I work in different fields such as business, education and clients from different countries.

I work with clients in executive coaching processes, teams and people; I also give conferences, talks, workshops and workshops. Each proposal aims at the personal and professional development of people and organizations.

I specialize in emotional management, leadership development and organizational well-being, communication and teamwork.

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about Coaching, is it all the same?

It is a term that became fashionable although it does not always refer to the same thing and the profession is often discredited. It is essential to work with professionals who accredit important international standards of ethics and professional quality in the practice of this discipline.

What goals do you have ahead of you?

Today more than ever, resuming our activities and routines after what the Pandemic caused, it is urgent to take care of our own well-being and that of our teams, managing stress, managing our time more effectively, generating more functional emotional climates in our environment.

I believe that our greatest challenge is to learn to face uncertainty and the unforeseen in a much more assertive way; improving our adaptability and flexibility to what happens to us.

The excellent news is that we are biologically and mentally designed to do so; becoming aware of it and developing the resources we need is possible for each one of us.

Contact information:

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: +5491145577507

Instagram: @enriquecercoachingeducacional


Linkedin: Alejandra Cabassi

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