News | Dr. Gisela Laura Iunco

Gisela, since when have you been a lawyer?

I am a lawyer, graduated from the UBA at the age of 24. From the beginning of my career I started working in legal services, gaining experience from a very young age. I am currently in the process of undertaking the expansion of my Studio. My goal is to provide, as always, a quality professional service, with a strong entrepreneurial character.

What services do you offer to the public?

My main ability is to approach my affairs with great responsibility. I am honest with my client and work according to their interests and needs.

Being able to adapt to different situations, and being a person in search of constant growth, I can develop myself in different areas of Law and provide comprehensive legal advice.

What do you think are the functions of lawyers in society?

The role of the lawyer is of the utmost importance, he provides a service to the community. He provides advice, defense and must be very attentive to the client since generally when they come to see us, it is because they have a problem or a need and with their knowledge the lawyer has the ability to offer the best legal solution.

The ability to adapt is also relevant because society is constantly changing.

What is your opinion regarding the judicial system in Argentina?

Of the judicial system I highlight several issues. One of the things that I like the most today was what happened with the arrival of the Pandemic, how it adapted to continue at a time when everything had stopped. Thanks to information technology, the use of new technologies, the internet and social networks, today we have a digital file. Although this implementation already existed in the Nation and in the Province of Buenos Aires we had been working with a digital signature called a “token”, with the Pandemic the file became totally digital, since it was not before. For this reason, we lawyers were forced to change the paradigm to which we were accustomed. Before Covid, we had to go through different jurisdictions of the Province of Buenos Aires and CABA to leave only a document on paper. Today we do it from anywhere with a computer with an internet connection, reducing transfer times and increasing the level of productivity.

Contact information:

Dra. Gisela Laura Iunco – Lawyer registered in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Province of Buenos Aires and at the Federal level.

Mail: [email protected]

Cell: 11-5417-1976

Instagram @doctoraiunco

Facebook: Iunco Law Firm

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