News | Committed citizens – The key to the development of a country

A popularly known saying states that “If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem”. This applies to everything that happens to us, and to everything that happens around us. Taken to the personal level, we can say that if our habits are not healthy, it is up to us to reverse this situation. If we don’t make time for the things that make us feel good as individuals, we become unproductive and exhausted. If we do not understand the value of friendship and do not cultivate it properly, we become lonely, and we all know that human beings are empowered by the help and interaction with other human beings. That is, if we do not address the problems that we ourselves generate, we become part of those same problems.

As for our environment, if we are not aware of the impact that our actions have on society, we are contributing to making the situation worse. Thus, for example, we cannot expect global warming to stop if we do not stop to think about the contribution that each one of us as an individual makes to this fact. If we do not save energy, we are contributing to the scarcity of this extremely necessary resource for our development. If we are not aware of the need to preserve our water resources, we are contributing to making them more expensive. If we turn a blind eye to the deforestation that occurs in part of our country, we are favoring climate change.

The same is true of events that happen globally. We are part of a “whole” and what happens to some inevitably has an impact on our lives. Wars bring hunger and scarcity of resources, as an example we can cite what is currently happening in Ukraine. It is illogical to think that this war will not have devastating effects on the world economy and in view, there is the worrying situation of the European countries, with the arrival of winter and the lack of gas. But the problem is not limited to those countries. The negative effect will impact the economy of all countries, including ours.

Finally, exactly the same thing happens with politics. If we intend to change a situation that we are not happy with or that we consider wrong, then we must act. In this sense, leadership is vital. We must take leadership, channeling it into concrete actions and behaviors that are vital to transforming our reality. It’s not just about complaining and blaming others for the ups and downs of the economy. It is about being able to understand what is the contribution that each one of us can make to solve the problem.

The key is to be able to formulate the precise questions that lead us to find a sustainable solution and to be able to define what is the best contribution that as individuals we can offer to the solution of our problems. For this, educating ourselves is vital, and being informed is part of that education. Today, access to information is unlimited and nothing prevents us from knowing what is happening around us and in the world. It’s just a matter of taking the time to give it the importance it deserves.

For example, we all agree that the economy is one of the main problems the country is going through, but how many of us care to understand economics? How many of us are really concerned with understanding our contribution to the problem and, more importantly, how many of us are concerned with proposing a possible solution?

Fortunately, in Argentina, businessmen who have been successful in their personal lives wanting to contribute actively, with their knowledge, to the well-being of the country, have burst onto the political scene. This wave of involvement should infect us all so that each one of us can give his vision and propose sustainable solutions. Politics is not something only “politicians” do. It is rather something that we should all do, because it is in this way that a country gets ahead.

Unfortunately, part of the political class focuses only on “sinking the adversary”, when the reality is that by doing this, we are all sinking. This is why we must change the paradigm and finally close the gap. Only in this way will we be able to be part of the solution, and not of the problem.

Information to know more: Instagram: @yoelfreue

PH: Ezequiel Negri. IG: @phnegri

Social media enhancer: Exequiel Sand. IG: @exequielsandok

Location: Duhau Palace – Park Hyatt IG: @palacioduhau


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