When a person decides to start a business, they run into innumerable obstacles. In the cases in which he asks for help, he does so looking for magical solutions and concrete actions that will lead his enterprise to success. Many times even finding someone to guide him in that step by step, he cannot achieve it. This is because not all people can perform the same actions in the same way, since we are different and it does not always make sense or we feel comfortable doing the same thing that the other does.

For this reason we are not going to focus on the entrepreneurship, but on the person behind it. THE ENTREPRENEUR

An entrepreneur faces various obstacles on a daily basis: he constantly reinvents himself, makes decisions, recognizes opportunities, faces fears, and eliminates beliefs that do not allow him to develop.

Feeling overwhelmed and aimless is much more common than it seems. Luckily there is an ideal tool to provide support right now, we are talking about Coaching applied to entrepreneurs.

A discipline that provides learning and invites to resignify strengths and weaknesses to unlock hidden potential, to improve professional and personal skills so that you can perform better to carry out your project or business.

The coaching sessions help to identify, design and plan all the objectives in order to achieve them. It promotes creative ideas, recognizes the skills and resources that each entrepreneur has.

We are talking about a methodology that is made up of the following stages: define an objective, look at reality, focus on what prevents us from moving forward, assess the different options and start with an action plan.

Some benefits of a coaching process:

-Focus on the important things. Not only to the point where you want to get to, but also to be clear about the reasons for getting there.

-Be aware of mistakes. The coach is that mirror that helps to distinguish the way of acting, speaking and thinking.

-Personal development. A successful entrepreneur depends on his personal skills and the way he applies them to his business.

-Achieve your goals. Being clear about what you want is the first step to materializing it. A coach accompanies you to detect that goal.

-Responsibility for their actions. Coaching helps to understand all the aspects that surround entrepreneurship in order to deal with them and thus change reality.

-Leave the comfort zone. A Coach will help you move forward and not be overcome by any insecurity that comes along the way.

Hiring a Coach is not an expense but an investment. The return that this will entail will be very significant. Being accompanied by a Coach will help focus; to be more creative and visionary; in conclusion to be a successful entrepreneur.


Professional ontological coach (ICF)


WA +54 911 41743412


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