News | calories of discord

Among the trends that are imposed from time to time eating habitsthese days there is a demonization of Carbohydrateswhen in truth it is a type of nutrient that has to be in every eating plan because its main function is nothing less than to provide us with energy.

like the fats (another group that looks askance when talking about diets), it is necessary to take care of the amounts of carbohydrates and the quality of their food sources since some are more convenient than others.

However, keeping this in mind, it is not advisable to completely eliminate them or believe that adding any substance when consuming them completely inhibits their action.

Regardless of which group of nutrients we are judging, it is good to know that everything can be eaten in its proper measure; being excess and imbalance which can lead to disorders, either obesity or a vitamin deficiency.

However. Dietary supplements are substances that complement some nutritional deficiency. Some are based on vitamins, fish oil or amino acids to improve, for example, hair growth.

On the other hand, the consumption of supplements that would reduce the absorption of carbohydrates has recently increased. They are derived from food, such as the phaseolamine extract that comes from the white bean (a legume) such as the one contained in the fashionable powder: Satial.

What happens if we spread bean powder on a pasta dish, on pizza or on a slice of cake? As it is a legume rich in fiber and other nutrients, the combination will slow down the speed with which the carbohydrates contained in these preparations are absorbed into the blood, which helps to moderate the release of insulin (a hormone that in excess favors the accumulation of fat and appetite) and increases satiety.

When one eats a fruit, which has fiber, that food is absorbed more slowly than the juice of that same fruit. The same thing happens with whole-grain pasta: they slow down the process of absorbing flour thanks to its richness in fiber.

The problem that nutritionists had to face in recent times was reacting to the speech of many celebrities who recommend the use of these supplements in an irresponsible way, generating the conviction that you can eat plenty of cakes, pizzas and any product that contains carbohydrates because the mere fact of sprinkling it with the powder is enough to neutralize its effect on weight and health in general.

In fact, dietary supplements approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are safe And they could help if they are combined with a healthy and varied eating plan, just as drinking valerian tea can help you sleep if you lead an orderly life and don’t stay up late.

But there are no magic formulas to lose weight. That goal is always the result of incorporating new habits, leading an orderly lifestyle, with a reasonable diet and physical activity according to the characteristics of each person.

For our diet to be balanced, it must contain at least two daily servings of vegetables, one at lunch and one at dinner; 2 to 3 fruits; 2 to 3 servings of protein foods (meat, fish and eggs, preferably low-fat); fiber-rich cereals or starches such as whole-grain pasta, rice or bread, and legumes. Did you know that ours is one of the countries with the lowest consumption of legumes in the world? In Argentina, less than 1 kilo is consumed per person per year, despite having very healthy nutrients such as B complex vitamins, certain minerals (calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc) and phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds, isoflavones and other antioxidants with interesting metabolic effects.

In addition to the above, it is necessary to moderate the consumption of foods rich in sugars such as jams, sweets, jellies, honey and sugary drinks; and with excess fat and sodium such as bakery and industrial pastry products and pre-cooked foods.

Another aspect to take into account is to distribute food intake throughout the day by eating 5 to 6 meals a day: breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, snack, dinner and snack after dinner. This favors self-control of intake and anxiety and also distributes the consumption of calories throughout the day. In fact, there is no study that shows that skipping a meal can help you lose weight.

Movement is another essential pillar. According to World Health Organization, walking 7,850 steps a day in a row or in batches takes us out of the sedentary group and adds numerous benefits for our well-being and also for body weight control. Calculating them is very simple: there are numerous free mobile applications. Getting enough rest (between 7 and 8 hours a night) also helps with weight control and this is as true as saying that sleeping poorly makes you fat; Drinking plenty of water or non-caloric liquids before eating also helps and, once you are in front of a plate of food, being aware of and enjoying the moment.

Eating to feel good is, after all, the foundation of any good eating program.

*By Adrián Cormillot, nutritionist doctor.

by Adrian Cormillot*

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