News | Augustine Bueti

Agustina, what is your academic background and in what areas do you develop as a professional?

I graduated as a Lawyer at the Universidad Del Salvador in 2015. In 2020 I completed an Interdisciplinary Master’s Degree on Gender Violence at the International University of Valencia, Spain. That same year and in that same house of studies I obtained the intermediate title as Agent of Equality.

I am the digital creator of my professional and social network porjusticia.abogada and I am a Founding Partner of New Orb Sports Management, a company dedicated to the representation and intermediation of soccer players and sports clubs.

What services do you provide to the public?

Our legal study is comprehensive, acts as an agent for the representation and intermediation of football players and clubs at a national and international level.

Our practice covers numerous areas, standing out in Immigration Law, Sports, Labor, Civil and Commercial Law, Consumer and Criminal Defense, within which we provide both legal advice and consultancy services as well as intervention in the judicial or extrajudicial resolution of conflicts. .

We also work together with other legal studies and strategic partners at an international level in order to carry out the pertinent procedures as a Sports Law Agency and for the processing of Citizenships and Visas.

Why did you decide to specialize in gender violence?

I chose to specialize in gender violence because I live firsthand the systemic, historical, and structural violence that women suffer for the mere fact of being women, and my vision is to be able, through my profession, training, and communication, to contribute to the deconstruction and socio-cultural transformation that so much as a society we need

What goals do you have for the coming years?

Looking to the future, it is a challenge for me to continue growing professionally and personally as a Lawyer and Representative of soccer players in the country and abroad.

Contact information.

Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @porjusticia.abogada


WhatsApp: +54 9 11 36888-098

Office: Carlos Pellegrini 385, CABA


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