News | Art and smart activism

A “day on Earth” is the intelligent artistic proposal for 2022 of the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires (Ministry of Culture of the City Government). Led by its director Victoria Noorthoorn, the project shows an institution that is alive and in motion. It contemplates displaying 11 exhibitions and 100 educational and social activities throughout the year. “The program presents a current collection that assumes and responds to the challenges of our societies, in dialogue with invited artists,” says Noorthoorn. It attempts a comprehensive reflection on the role of art in its crossroads with today’s world, perhaps “as an agent of understanding and sensitive transformation”. Art and activism, artivism, in these samples in which dozens of pieces acquired or donated since 2013 are showcased.

Cared for by Noorthoorn, Javier Villa, Marcos Krämer and Violeta González Santos, “The Limit” revolves around “current violence”, from dictatorships to ecocides, including femicides. Artists from different generations, consecrated and new, visit struggles, experiences, ignominy of humanity. Among others, Nicolás García Uriburu, Raquel Forner, Helen Zout, Juan Carlos Romero, Alberto Heredia, Carlos Huffmann (with a current exhibition in the Ruth Benzacar gallery), Claudia del Río, the recently deceased Antonio Seguí, Noemí Di Benedetto, Luis Pazos, Carlota Beltrame, Tomás Espina with the disturbing installation “Haití”, discuss, make visible and try to “repair” ailments and inequalities of different kinds. Likewise, groups such as LaLolaMora, IdentidadMarron participate, also in tune with the neighboring anthological exhibition by Mónica Giron: “Enlace Querandí”.

In “Abstract Life”, heritage pieces also offer multiple readings and dialogue with works by invited artists, such as Schiavi (inset), Mariela Scafati, Magdalena Jitrik. Curated by Krämer, González Santos, Francisco Lemus and Clarisa Appendino, the exhibition highlights a history of transculturations, points to the utopian view of modern art and its concurrent actuality in works by Martha Boto, Alejandro Puente, Silvia Gurfein, Graciela Hasper, Georges Vantongerloo, Sesostris Vitullo, Jorge Gumier Maier, Víctor Magariños, Tomás Maldonado, Joseph Albers, Yente, Martín Blaszko, Alfredo Hlito, Enio Iommi, Juan Melé, Germaine Derbecq, and more.

In addition, on May 20 they inaugurate three individual exhibitions -La Chola Poblete: “Exercises of crying”; Florencia Rodríguez Giles: “Symptoms”; Painted Cardboard: “Fantastic Dance”- and two group shows -“Contact Bodies” and “Mutant Bodies”- with works from the Museum’s heritage and guest artists.

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