News | Architect Andrea Baldoni

Andrea, how were your beginnings in architecture?

When I started working independently creating my Architecture Studio, about 10 years ago, I knew that architecture was not only going to deal with technical and construction issues, but that there was something more. It was thus that I began a path of projects and works identifying the problems and needs of each client in particular, providing support and containment throughout the process, listening and understanding that my work was of the utmost importance since I would be getting involved in something so precious to the people like your home.

What are the keys to identify the sensations of the clients when carrying out a work in their home?

When we are facing a decoration project, it is essential to be able to identify what people are feeling in that space they inhabit, looking for the causes of why they are not connecting with that environment and want to modify it. You have to detect the good and bad sensations for which it is not beneficial to be able to improve them.

Psychology and architecture/decoration go hand in hand to achieve the desired space. If we come to understand what the emotions or sensations of our clients are in order to live comfortably in their home and enjoy it, then our objective as a Studio is achieved since we have generated a healthy environment of peace and harmony.

How do you relate your profession to Neuroscience?

The colors, the textures, the natural lighting, the visuals towards green spaces considerably improve people’s state of mind, feeling more and more comfortable with themselves and with what surrounds them.

There is currently a lot of research in the field of Neuroscience applied to Architecture and Decoration that is very interesting to know because in this way we can understand how our brain works in the face of external stimuli and in this way be able to better help clients when starting a project. .

With the passage of time I began to be very interested and also work in Health spaces, in order to be able to offer patients quality spaces that improve their quality of life, during their stay there.

Contact information:

Phone: 011.5823.4155

Instagram: andreabaldoniarq

Mail: [email protected]


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