News | An Argentine crime

★★★ A dead businessman, an oppressive context -the dictatorship- and loot. With these elements, Lucas Combina’s debut feature builds a police novel. Or, rather -as happens in Argentina- a criminal film, where the investigation and the search for justice is always hampered by power. It is true that there are stereotypes, some blatant (Luis Luque is very good, but pigeonholed into a single class of roles: he is not the common place but the choice) and others a little more surreptitious. But deep down, every political issue -which supports the climate of the story- is subsumed into something else: it is, finally, about money. The film’s sordidness is brief and what counts is the two investigators’ race against time to solve the case, as well as the duel with the main suspect and the absence of corpus delicti. At that point, the context serves to amplify the danger, even if the pacing fails at times.

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