News | Alberto Fernández – Tolosa Paz: the 2023 formula?

the social leader, Luis D´Elia published a tweet in which he suggested that the ideal formula for Kirchnerism in the 2023 elections is Alberto Fernandez and Victory Toulouse Peace. “The People’s Formula”wrote D’Elía, showing an institutional video that shows Fernández and his Minister of Social Development together.

Despite the fact that nothing is defined yet, Fernández continues to show signs that he is not giving up his ambition to be re-elected as president, and this new video where he is seen together with Tolosa Paz suggests that it is one of the possible formulas that the president is analyzing ahead of the elections. But there are more reasons to think about this possibility: it is about the friendship that Fernández has with Enrique “Pepe” Albisturthe partner of the Minister of Development.

Fernandez and Pepe Albistur They met during the Néstor Kirchner government, and from there they became friends. The businessman and former publicist for figures such as Italo Luder either Carlos Menem He was the one who lent the president his department of Madero Port for him to live with his wife, Fabiola Yañez, before moving to the presidential fifth of olivesonce elected Fernández.

Victoria Tolosa Paz with Pepe Albistur.

The rise of Tolosa Paz, from national deputy to Minister of Social Development, seems to confirm Albistur’s growing rapprochement with Fernández as a man of confidence. Today, Tolosa Paz’s husband is one of those who most encourages Fernández to risk everything for everything. For example, he advises her to stop listening to the social leader John Grabois in his criticism of the government, especially the initiative to make social plans transparent: in November, Tolosa Paz requested the lifting of tax secrecy in the plans Enhance Work, after an investigation into irregularities committed by some beneficiaries. Grabois harshly questioned the official’s decision, and went so far as to ask that “the secrecy of politicians, judges, commissioners, state contractors, fugitives, journalists with guidelines, union and social leaders” be lifted as well.

It is not easy to ignore and cut the link with Grabois: next to Grabois are Máximo Kirchner, Cristina Kirchner and the social movements, which have been showing various signs of disgust with the national government and with the delicate economic situation that, beyond some successes relatives of the minister Sergio Massa, does not seem to finish correcting itself. But Albistur, a reticent figure towards Cristina and Kirchnerism, encourages his friend to cut definitively with the Christian wing of his government. Probably due to political disagreements, but also because his close proximity to Fernández fuels the possibility that his wife could fight for the governorship of the Province of Buenos Aires in the face of the 2023 Elections, or even a vice presidency.

by RN

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