News | adriana scheidler

How did you start the project and for what purpose?

The story began fourteen years ago, in 2008, with a commercial business, called La Matera, as a personal undertaking, with a proposal that bet on the national industry and the recognition of the work of the artisans of our country, with a country style, reselling well-known brands in the market.

Once established, we considered the possibility of developing our own brand, going from the classic to a more modern and innovative style and design, thus Adriana Scheidler emerged.

What products do you offer to the public?

We currently offer the market a wide line of genuine leather footwear, interior and exterior boots, sandals and slippers; leather goods in which purses, wallets, key chains and belts stand out; female clothing complying with the size law (jeans, t-shirts, shirts, dresses, sweaters, skirts.

In winter, garments made of microfleece are all the rage, with a wide variety of colors.

In summer, designer espadrilles, like very cheap footwear, printing a different touch each season, in color, fabrics, bottoms, padded insoles, among other items.

What is Adriana Scheidler dabbling in today?

The challenge that we are carrying out in 2022 is the expansion of our client portfolio in the institutional and business clothing sector.

The goals and challenges are permanent, changes are constant, but what remains at the heart of the project is saddlery, leather designs that involve the choice of tanneries, fantasy and play with colors.

The commercial reality made us venture into other areas, being attentive to fashion and listening to customer demands, which were always the driving force behind decision-making at the time of production.

What is your differential in the field?

We are characterized by personalized customer service, dedicating the necessary time so that sales are effective, satisfactory for them and thus always have the opportunity that they choose us again. We take the time to consider your tastes, we offer the full range of sizes and advice on putting together the outfits. We put passion, heart and good taste in each of the designs, this keeps us active in the market and despite the context that has surrounded us for almost three years, we never give up, because in each choice of leather, fabric , colors and others. We try to transcend the barriers that are presented to us and we always bet on the national industry and highlight the work of each of our artisans, which makes Adriana Scheidler a registered, authentic and original brand.

Contact information:

Instagram: as_adrianascheidler

Facebook: La Matera Junín

Wholesale phone: 2364-616002

Retail phone: 2364-276010


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