News | active inspiration

How were your beginnings in the field and for what purpose do you carry out your venture?

We have been working therapeutically with horses and people for more than eight years, joining our trades as Ontological Coach and Psychiatrist specialized in Systemic Interventions and Family Constellations.

Experimenting, we managed to work with horses on people’s emotions, looking for a different and effective perspective. We create a playful space to open the mind and experience deep sensations of compression that leave a mark on the body and soul.

What bonds are generated between people and horses?

Horses live in a herd and their survival depends on their communication and leadership. A similar dynamic works in a work team when they set out to achieve a goal.

Both for the pack and for a team, the assertiveness, energy and emotions that its members manage must be a priority for their leaders in search of the common good.

Horses are noble beings, free from prejudices or valuations. Being prey, their perceptive reading of the environment and the energies means that, when we connect with them, they provide us with a lot of information about ourselves.

Reading their behavior allows us to change their gaze quickly, coherently and almost without saying a word. They show us how individual potential expands when working in a group, because we can align ourselves with clarity and focus on what unites us, easily discarding what differentiates us.

They are very valuable learning and resources that resonate with us immediately because they are in tune with nature and serve us for a lifetime.

It is a space to ask ourselves questions, review beliefs and become aware. By modifying the gaze, the result is modified.

What services do you provide to the public?

We work with companies that want to improve teamwork, leadership, communication and productivity.

They are days outdoors where we work in a corral with horses but without riding. No previous experience is needed. It is a pleasant activity, in a countryside environment, with all the comforts and easy access.

It is ideal for those looking for an innovative proposal and motivation, investing quality time and generating synergy with surprising results.

It is an opportunity to grow individually and transcend limits as a group.

What goals do they have ahead of them?

Disseminate this enriching and effective activity, so that more people can access it.

We want to continue growing and with the experience we have, we are committed to the quality of our service in harmony with nature.

We are excited to see the positive impact that horses have on people and we want to share and see more of this every day.

Contact information:


Instagram: @inspiracion.activa

WhatsApp: 011 5131 1223

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