News | A villa in Tuscany

★★★ 1/2 It’s easy to hate this movie: a father and his 20-something son, with whom he doesn’t get along very well, have to take care of a house in Tuscany that belonged to the man’s wife and the young man’s mother. He is an artist (the man), and he doesn’t know much what to do with his (the young man’s) life. The metaphor of rebuilding the house is quite transparent -and easy- and that is what happens as the film progresses: father and son mend their relationship, a lady appears for the father and a girl for the son, there are a few Italians who have They have to do certain jobs and they are not very attuned to English and Liam Neeson, who may be up for a sew and a scrub, is a great actor who knows the tones of almost everything. That said, the film really makes us feel good without, in any scene, we fall into the embarrassment that these kinds of stories usually cause us when they exceed glucose. We correct ourselves: it is not so easy to hate this film.

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