News | “A look from within”

An elderly person from a permanent residence said: “you have to learn to be old, be healthy, have a good relationship with others, dialogue is important”. Another of them stated: “It is a transition, like being born.”

These testimonies or definitions of old age led us to think about it from within an institution, such as a long-stay residence for the elderly, it is worth asking the question: who inhabits these places? Older adults, residents, old people, are the different nominations that circulate and coexist in these spaces. We prefer to call them people, each one with their story, with the singular reasons that led them to be there, to inhabit a new space, and with others, some known and others yet to be discovered, with their particular ways of relating. Older people who present a unique position regarding the passage of that time there, as a permanent place, the last, of a certain transition to something else.

What happens in the body is a real that breaks in, generating questions, concerns. Fears arise and are recurring. Time becomes a finite, uncertain time of anguish, dreams and thought insists.

Past, present and future are in a permanent interplay. Who inhabit these places? is the question. It is not the house, they are not your family, but it is our function to promote the conditions so that, from a comprehensive perspective and taking into account the particularities of each case, a social and family environment is established that makes this transition possible in a satisfactory way. That from our interventions, as an interdisciplinary team, we can generate the necessary transformations so that the people who inhabit these places can think and reflect promoting autonomy and independence, that is our commitment.

“Intersaberes”, Educational Professional Group:

Lic. Del Rosso Julieta; Lic. Elissalt Lucia; Lic. Ferreyra Luisina; Mr. Marchini Amalia; Mr. Torres Marilda.

Contact information:

Telephone: 2234543774- Lucia Inés Elissalt

Instagram: @intersaberesequipo


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