Newey, the Red Bull man works like this

The technical director of the world champions goes around the pits and writes everything down: we observed him in action during the sessions in Miami, here’s what we noticed

Paolo Filisetti

– miami (florida, usa)

Adrian Newey, the very courted and loyal (until proven otherwise) technical manager of Red Bull, represents an undeniable asset for the Milton Keynes team. In fact, it is no secret that the current competitiveness of the RB19 lies in its ability to grasp before rival colleagues which areas of the single-seater and which development direction are most decisive for maximizing the car’s performance. It is certainly a skill refined over time, thanks to the very long experience gained on the track, but also linked to an undeniable dose of intuition, and perfect knowledge not only of aerodynamics, but in general of all the physics that impact the performance of a single seater.

in its habitat

Watching him at work, in his habitat, is definitely a privilege, which allows us to closely analyze the approach that this brilliant engineer adopts. Here in Miami, during the second free practice session, Newey was very active in the pit lane, passing several times from the pit wall to the garage where he stood in front of the RB19 observing the car and making notes in a notebook. An image that we believe is correct to define particular, as obviously his role is not that of the track engineer, nor could the notes taken concern data, or numbers linked to the adjustments that were made on the single-seater. In fact, more than anything else, it seemed as if by observing her in very specific points she was drawing indications on some modifications to be devised, we would say to be planned, therefore not linked to the strictly topical nature of the moment, but she had seen something that perhaps should be improved/changed in the near future on her creature.

particular approach

What we noticed in the pit lane in Miami is a very particular approach, which in fact emphasizes how one of the secrets of this brilliant designer, and therefore a cascade, of the competitiveness of this car and the previous one, can also be based , on the constant and highly intuitive perception (in addition to the data collected and processed by computers), of what needs to be improved to get ever closer to that perfection. Unreachable by any engineer, not even by Adrian Newey, the one who still manages to bring her closer.
