New voice for ‘With an Eye on Tomorrow’: Nieuwsuur journalist Hanneke de Jonge replaces ‘iconic’ Hans Hogendoorn | Show

The jury consisted of four people: presenter of With an eye to tomorrow and the NOS News Rob Trip, News & Copresenter Fleur Wallenburg, DJ and voice actor Fernando Halman and deputy editor-in-chief of NOS News Bart Leferink. Wallenburg announced the winner after opening a golden envelope. ‘A voice among thousands, unique and accessible at the same time. Layered, unique and unpolished that you want to listen to every evening.’

The Voice of Hans Hogendoorn (76) was heard in almost 17,000 broadcasts of With an eye to tomorrow. Since the very first Oog, on January 5, 1976, Hans Hogendoorn has recorded the opening tune and jingles. He regrets that his voice is disappearing from the program; he has worked on it with heart and soul for 48 years. “It is still better to look for a successor now and not wait for the moment when I can no longer do this.”
