New version of childcare protocol – March 23, 2022 | news item

News item | 23-03-2022 | 16:46

From Wednesday, March 23, 2022, there will be further relaxation of the corona measures in childcare. These relaxations have been translated into the childcare and corona protocol by the sector parties in consultation with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.

The protocol itself indicates where the protocol has been changed. The main changes in this version are:

  • The mouth cap obligation will be canceled: employees and childminders who transport children in a van/passenger car are no longer obliged to wear a mouth-nose mask as of March 23, 2022. Wearing a mouth-nose mask is still recommended.
  • Quarantine rules exception: the exception to the quarantine rules ‘you have tested positive and recovered in the year 2022 and have no complaints’ replaces the exception ‘you have tested positive in the past 8 weeks, recovered and have no complaints’.

Test and stay home rules continue to apply

There are currently no changes to the test and stay-at-home rules. The advice that applies regarding testing, quarantine and isolation therefore remain in force.


The advice for pregnant employees (28 weeks and beyond) continues to apply. This still means that it is advised to organize other suitable activities for pregnant employees from the third trimester of their pregnancy.
