New theater play VINNIE by Peergroup comes to life in the farm attic in Echten

A theater hall or theatre. Logical places to perform a performance. But for the new show VINNIE, theater company Peergroup chooses a different location, namely a farm attic in Echten.

The scent of the countryside is noticeable as soon as you walk into the attic. In a small spot above a farm stable, about thirty people can enjoy the new theater play between the hay bales. “Because you create such a smaller space, you get interplay between the audience and the actors,” explains production manager Suzanne Verhagen. “And then the music comes in. It creates an intimate atmosphere that we would like to have.”

The performance is about a boy named Vinnie who is loosely based on Vincent van Gogh. He lives on a chicken farm and is extremely creative. “But he feels that his parents, brother and other people around him do not understand him,” says David Westera, who plays Vinnie.

“That sometimes makes him angry. And that is why he goes to the only place where he can be himself. Namely the attic. That is his hiding place, where he has creative excesses, but can also retreat to relax. “
