New temporary hotline for administrative culture in the province | 1Limburg

The province has temporarily opened a hotline for alleged irregularities in the field of administrative culture and integrity.

There, people can report again who are not or are not completely satisfied with the handling of their previous report by the committee that investigated the administrative culture in Limburg between 2011 and 2021. In total there were 286 reports from 144 people.

Also read: Limburg Parliament wants rapid improvement of administrative culture

On 1 April, the Limburg Parliament had urged through a motion to give dissatisfied reporters the opportunity to be heard. Governor Emile Roemer then approached the committee with the request to approach the reporters by e-mail and to point out that they could report to the province again. But the committee refused, because it found it contrary to confidentiality agreements.

Also read: Roemer calls on integrity complainants to report

Governor Roemer then decided until May 31 to offer people who feel insufficiently heard the opportunity to make their report again to the province. Existing procedures will be applied as much as possible. This concerns the complaints procedure and the integrity regulation. For each individual case, it is examined which procedure is appropriate and who is the interlocutor. The governor ensures that the process runs smoothly.

Each reporter receives a digital confirmation of receipt. An initial report on how the report will be handled will follow within six weeks.
