New social network: who are the politicians who already use Threads?

The teams of communication of politicians were revolutionized in the last week with the appearance of the new social network of mark zuckerberg: Threads. The question being discussed was the following: “we open to [nombre del político/a] an account on Threads?” We are going to analyze the evolution of this new member of the Meta family who comes to (try to) run on Twitter and how the politicians reacted in the middle of the electoral campaign.

The new microblogging platform was launched almost a week ago in 100 countries and in its first 24 hours online it reached 30 million users, but the most interesting thing is the time it took to reach only one million users: an hour and a half. If compared to other digital platforms, for example, Netflix, it took more than three and a half years to reach that record; Twitter two years; Facebook 10 months; Spotify 5 months; Instagram 2 months, and Chat GPT reached a million users in 5 days. Today, Threads is already over 80 million users. A piece of information: Meta already had the entire database due to the use of Instagram and Facebook, a much more comfortable context to reach that figure.

There are already several politicians and policies of our country who were present in Threads, with the intention of continuing to position itself in this election year. Who are those who are already in this network? One of the first to land and to publish was Horace Rodriguez Larretoh, he did it too Gerardo Morales, Patricia Bullrich, Luis Petri, Wado de Pedro, Sergio Massa, Gabriel Solano And till Myriam Bregmann Although he hasn’t posted anything yet. President Alberto Fernández was one of the last to arrive posting just on Sunday. Cristina Kirchner and Mauricio Macri have not yet opened an account. Neither did Juan Grabois. At the international level, some of those who are already there are Gabriel Boric, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Nayib Bukele and Guillermo Lasso.

Should Threads be part of a politician’s digital strategy? This depends a lot on the human resource that is available. That is to say, every new social network invites you to think about different communication actions with the challenge of having the same thing on each platform but in a different way. Because of the resemblance to Twitter, most of the politicians who come to Threads replicate the content they make on Elon Musk’s platform, but you have to understand that Threads’ audience is different from Twitter’s even though the user experience is practically the same.

Because it’s different? Because It is public that migrated from Instagram to Threads and that, in many cases, it is not constantly present on Twitter. In fact, of the 100% followers of an Instagram account, so far just under 30% have reached Threads. And remember (digital) communication teams: each social network has its own language and style. Take the opportunity to create your own in Threads before it is too late, and do not use it just for the sake of using it without being clear about the purpose. Please, that the obsession for a vote does not make them do anything on social networks.

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