New social media is growing in popularity – Bluesky is like an improved Twitter

Dissatisfaction with Twitter drives users to look for alternatives. Bluesky Social, which is still under development, accepts users by invitation only.

The start screen of the application resembles the theme of Twitter. Stu Gray / Alamy Stock Photo

The social media service is now challenging Twitter’s position Bluesky Social, which has been characterized as Twitter 2.0. After Twitter’s move, the tech billionaire Elon Musk’s ownership, many Twitter users have stopped using the service.

Twitter users have left the service mainly because of their dissatisfaction with Musk’s ways of running the service, and because of the reforms he is driving. After Musk bought the service, Twitter’s certificate markings became paid and the information spread in the service has become even more unreliable.

Among others, the American broadcasting company NPR has become a user of Bluesky Social.

There are many alternatives to Twitter, such as the German Mastodon, but Bluesky Social seems to be the most viable option at the moment. Bluesky users have also reported that the application is the closest to Twitter’s user interface among the available options.

Bluesky Socialista has reported, among other things New York Times.

Tweeters fly into the blue sky

Bluesky Social is the brainchild of Twitter’s former CEO and co-founder Jack Dorsey’s funded project.

The core functions work in the service in the same way as on Twitter – users can share short texts, images and react to content shared by other users. Bluesky’s shares are called skeets.

Unlike Twitter, Bluesky Social is planned to use a decentralized system. This means that users could build their own applications and communities in the service.

– An individual user cannot create rules for the entire Bluesky community, the company’s vice president Jay Graber states.

Bluesky Social also uses an open protocol. This means that the content of the service could be easily distributed to other platforms as well. According to the company with this, social media could be used like e-mail in the future.

Call in

The service is still being developed and users cannot join the service just by registering. At the moment, you can only become a user of the service with an e-mail invitation given by the company or another user.

You can queue up for an invitation to the company’s waiting list before releasing the app to a larger audience.

According to Techcrunch the service has more than 50,000 users, and thousands more are waiting to be invited. The application itself has been downloaded more than 375,000 times.

The application is currently available in the browser, Android and iPhone.
