New Secretary of Worship: controversies with the Pope, Islam and the death penalty

The new designation of the government of Javier Milei: the cult secretariatthe State portfolio that manages institutional relations with the different religions that live in Argentina, a place where diplomacy and good manners are needed, will be occupied by Francisco Sánchez, who has a controversial record.

In his stage as PRO deputy For Neuquén – a province he aspires to one day govern – he had two notable bills. One was when proposed to repeal the Micaela Law by describing it as “Marxist infiltration”, and another is the one he presented to describe the crimes of corruption. However, the punishment he proposed for these cases was even more controversial: death penalty.

“Twelve years for stealing with impunity is almost nothing. Last year I presented a bill for these types of crimes to be considered treason. “They deserve the death penalty, not light house arrest,” he said, referring to Cristina Kirchner, a phrase that caused great controversy and ended with him being reported to the INADI. Sánchez is also a great supporter of enabling the free carrying of weapons, a fact for which he says admire the Brazilian Jair Bolsonaro.

Francisco Sanchez

In the religious sphere he is not doing much better. He had harsh statements against Jorge bergoglio – “few Popes have done so much damage” – and described the battle of Lepanto as “the feat that saved the West from the islamic hordes”. These statements promise to bring controversy on several fronts.

Francisco Sanchez

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