New reception locations in Westerveld for Ukrainian refugees

The Westerveld municipality has new reception locations available for refugees from Ukraine. Until recently, refugees could only find shelter with private individuals in the municipality.

According to mayor Rikus Jager, there are two locations. A municipal location in Wapserveen has been ready for reception for a week. Five refugees have now been accommodated there. The location will be further expanded to accommodate another thirty people. The second shelter is also in the picture. Jager does not reveal where the shelter is located; the council is still in talks.

The municipality is also looking at care in gyms. Jager: “Reserving land for temporary housing for Ukrainians is not necessary if we look at the current capacity. At the moment it is urgently necessary, we have indicated that we will use sports halls. We have already taken measures for this, as has Defense has indicated that he wants to help fill in the sports halls.”

The municipality of Westerveld currently houses 62 Ukrainian refugees. By far the largest part still resides with private individuals.
