New RBB boss makes a fool of himself in the Potsdam Parliament

By Michael Sauerbier

Instead of clarification, Schlesinger’s successor, Hagen Brandstätter (63), delivered gibberish in the Brandenburg state parliament.

Embarrassing appearance of Schlesinger’s successor in the Potsdam Parliament! The new short-term director of RBB boss Hagen Brandstätter (63) indulged in self-praise and digressed when asked questions.

Broadcasting and board of directors were chummy or clueless. But the politicians now want to tighten the controls.

Eight months before retirement, Brandstätter appeared in the Brandenburg state parliament on Tuesday. With him sat six hours on the bench of sinners: Broadcasting Council boss Friederike von Kirchbach and RBB chief supervisor Dorett König. Four weeks ago, the top station was still playing truant.

But instead of clarification, Schlesinger’s successor delivered gibberish, listed all RBB programs, “also in the Lower Sorbian language” – and his “good” work of the last decades. Own mistakes? None! Doesn’t he want to see that the station’s existence is at stake?

An incredulous grin when Brandstäter described himself as the “captain” who “should lead the RBB ship to safe harbor in the choppy sea.” A ship from a nightmare!

Overseer König has been trying in vain for a Schlesinger bonus contract for five days. It’s on the RBB executive floor. Brandttäter didn’t know anything, said: “You’ll get them in 1-2 days.”

RBB boss Patricia Schlesinger (61) is to be recalled on Monday – because of billing fraud.  At least 20 members of the Broadcasting Council must vote for it

RBB director Patricia Schlesinger (61) was recalled without notice Photo: dpa/picture-alliance

After four hours, Steeven Bretz (CDU) burst his collar: “I feel fobbed off on a long leash with irrelevant information!” Applause!

But the tragedy continued: Broadcasting Council boss Kirchbach admitted that she knew the conversion costs of Schlesinger’s luxury floor: “I found it appropriate”. I beg your pardon?

Brandstäter admitted that nobody controlled the ex-director’s expenses: “There was no four-eyes principle.” König and her board of directors had no idea that the planned new RBB building would cost 185 million. König: “We would not have agreed, 125 million have already been criticized.” Initially, 65 million were planned…

But Brandstäter sticks to the “digital palace”: “The construction is not at the expense of the program, it is financed by credit”. But: “With 185 million, inflation and rising interest rates, we would have a problem.”

more on the subject

Unbelievable: According to the trade journal “Juve”, 16 (!) Lawyers work for the RBB, 12 of them on the investigation. CDU faction leader Jan Redmann estimated the costs at “20,000 euros per day, 500,000 euros per month”. From our radio license fees! Brandstäter said nothing about it.

“A system failure,” scolded SPD faction leader Daniel Keller. “Brandenburg’s and Berlin’s factions are talking about the RBB State Treaty and looking at what control and auditing rights the councils should have in the future. Clear refining and other personnel are needed here.”
