New provincial coalition agreement Utrecht with GroenLinks, VVD, D66, CDA and PvdA, first without BBB

GroenLinks, VVD, D66, CDA and PvdA have reached a coalition agreement in the province of Utrecht. That’s what the parties did on Saturday known on Twitter. It is the first provincial coalition to be formed that BBB is not a part of, after the huge national election victory last March. The party also became the largest in the province of Utrecht.

GroenLinks, the second largest party in Utrecht, had previously indicated that the forthcoming coalition is not its first preference. The sideline of the ChristenUnie, among other things, was difficult for the party. The new coalition has a narrow majority with 25 of the 49 seats. Earlier, BBB and GroenLinks made an attempt to form a coalition, but those talks came to naught, partly due to disagreement about the energy transition.

In their own words, the five parties want to work “for a sustainable, healthy, green and enterprising province of Utrecht where current and future generations can live happily”. The official presentation of the agreement is scheduled for July 5.
