New position: Tengelmann Group appoints head of sustainability

The retail group Tengelmann Twenty-One KG has underlined its sustainability efforts with a personnel decision: On Wednesday the group of companies announced that Saskia Juretzek will take over the newly created post of Head of Sustainability. The 43-year-old was most recently employed by the Allianz SE insurance group as Senior Manager Sustainability. The group, which includes the textile discounter Kik and the hardware store Obi, is taking into account “the growing importance of sustainability issues for customers, investors, employees and NGOs,” according to a statement.

CEO Christian Haub, to whom the new head of sustainability will report directly in future, explained the goals that the company wants to achieve with the appointment: “Saskia Juretzek will continue to develop the sustainability strategy of Tengelmann Twenty-One and ensure that our company subsidiaries and investments have comparable framework conditions to make their business more sustainable,” he said in a statement. “We are very pleased that we were able to win her for Tengelmann.”
