New police vessel christened on the coast

New police vessel christened on the coast

It concerns the SPN-01, a modern, sustainable patrol vessel, equipped with the latest technology, for the Shipping Police. It concerns a collaboration with Fleet of the Agency for Maritime Services and Coast (MDK). The SPN-01 will be used for primary police care. The vessel is sustainable with marine engines running on low-sulphur fuel and lower consumption.

It can sail 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with a skipper and sailor from Vloot and 2 members of the Shipping Police.

The vessel was christened in the presence of Flemish Minister of Mobility Lydia Peeters and the Commissioner General of the Federal Police Marc De Mesmaeker.

Godmother is Delfine Person

The godmother of the new vessel is boxer Delfine Persoon, who herself works for the Railway Police. “In gratitude to her as a figurehead of police work: perseverance, professionalism and resilience”.
