New owners return shares to NAC out of club love

The new owners of NAC want to return the shares to the club in due course, they say. Until then, the consortium NAC=Breda will put the new property in a special foundation. In doing so, they waive any direct control. “We do this out of club love”, says Jasper van Eck on behalf of the group of local entrepreneurs.

It had been in the air for a while, but Friday the bullet finally went through the church. After the shareholders, the Supervisory Board also approved the takeover of the club by the NAC=Breda group.

“We are incredibly proud and happy that this step has been taken”, says Jasper van Eck on behalf of the NAC=Breda group. “Over the past few weeks we have found each other in a fantastic way with one thought: to help our club. Not out of financial interest, but out of club love. We offer NAC a sustainable future, the club will once again become the boss of its own house. We as investors are fading into the background and paving the way for a new, autonomous club management, which will put football above all else.”

“NAC will have a structure like clubs such as AZ and PSV have had for years.”

This will be done by transferring the shares to a foundation, a so-called STAK. In addition, a separate investment fund is being set up.

“In this way, NAC will have a structure like clubs such as AZ and PSV have had for years,” explains spokesman Sebastian Verkuilen. “Over the past few weeks, we have been extensively informed by the best specialists in professional football. We are convinced that in this way NAC can become a stable and manageable club with short lines and separate powers. Crucial to stay on track in the emotional football world.”

“We hope that NAC will once again become a club that connects, which makes the entire supporters proud.”

In the long run, the shares should be returned to the NAC club itself. This is still being studied, because it turns out that a donation is difficult from a tax perspective.

With the acquisition, NAC=Breda and the transfer of the shares to a foundation, the new owners hope that a period of peace and harmony will begin. The Breda club has been a constant source of unrest in recent years, with people often rolling on the street. “We hope that NAC will once again become a club that connects, which makes the entire supporters proud”, Verkuilen says about this. Rest and patience are now required.”

The duties of the current director Mattijs Manders will be taken over by the management team with immediate effect. Manders will still supervise the share transfer. To complete the takeover, permission from the municipality of Breda (owner of the stadium) and the KNVB is still required.
